Data Science with No Code!


Arvind V


December 31, 2022


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a Srishti Art and Design student, in possession of a good Mac, must be terrified of coding.

-Code and Prejudice, Jane Austen, 1870

This Unit takes SMI peasants students on a journey of using data to tell stories, make decisions, and maybe startle a few people. Without doing an iota of work writing one byte of code. Bah.

Datasets from various domains and stuff of human enterprise and activity are introduced. The datasets are motivated from the point of view of the Types of Information they contain: Quantities, Attributes, Changes, Portions, Ranking, Relations, and related to Space, and Time, for example.

The human contexts from these datasets are used to appreciate the specifics of data formats, and the nature of variables within the data. Student will relate the data variables to Data/Information Visualizations, making decisions on how geometric shapes and other aspects of different Data Types and Visualizations can be metaphorically matched to the contexts. These information-to-geometry metaphors will lead us to Insights, Questions, and eventually to Stories and good Decisions.

Students will then be prompted to work in groups, or as a whole, to conduct a complete data gathering experiment on campus, visualize the data and tell a Story that pertains to their immediate surroundings.

What you will learn: The Recipe

  • Get the Ingredients Together:
    • Learn to shop for data
    • Appreciate how it was grown in the first place
    • What does data look like and why should we care?
    • How to Spot a good vegetable Variable
  • Wash, Clean, Peel, Grate, Fry:
    • Rapidly make different kinds of Charts and Tables
    • Masala Colour? Large-sized Pieces? Filtering?
    • Copy first, then Innovate
  • Sample and Taste
    • Ask Questions: How does your Chart taste?
    • Try to Answer your Questions with Graphs, Tables, or Plain Numbers
    • Does it need more salt, or do you want to bin the whole thing and start over?
  • The Element of Surprise:
    • Use your Sense of Surprise: Is a different chart what you need?
    • Develop intuition that matches data and chart types
  • Lay the Table:
    • Tell the Stories
    • Annotate Graphs with text and insights
    • Export these to create crisp and readable documents that you can share
    • Decide what you are going to do next


Take a look at the graph visualization below:

  • What information does the graph convey? How ?
  • What aspects of the Visual convey โ€œhumanโ€ information, such as Number and Relation?
  • What could the sloping dotted line in the picture depict?

We will form our intuition about shapes and data and learn to create some evocative information graphics that tell stories.

Readings and References

  1. The Elevate DataViz Blog: The Genres of Data Stories

  2. Dear Data Science.

  3. Jack Dougherty and Ilya Ilyankou, Hands-On Data Visualization: Interactive Storytelling from Spreadsheets to Code, Available free Online.

  4. Claus O. Wilke, Fundamentals of Data Visualization, Available free Online.

  5. Jonathan Schwabish, Better Data Visualizations: A Guide for Scholars, Researchers, and Wonks, Columbia University Press, 2021.

  6. Alberto Cairo, The Functional Art:An introduction to information graphics and visualization, New Riders. 2013. ISBN-9780133041361.

  7. Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, Storytelling With Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals, Wiley 2015. ISBN-9781119002253.

  8. Stat Literacy.

Quick Lookup

Charts and Data

  1. Data Vis Project Allows you to match data types and data-vis types!! Perfect!!

  2. Data Viz Catalogue Another good place to look for graphs that match your data!

  3. From Data-to-Viz

  4. Financial Times Visual Vocabulary Chart. A great chart to match data to data-viz. PDF here and Web version

  5. 72 types of Visualization for Data Stories

Charting in R

  1. R Charts

  2. R Graph Gallery

Dataset Resources

  1. A wide variety of graphics and datasets on global issues at Our World in Data

  2. Datasets at Simple datasets that you should begin with.

  3. Data.World A very well organized easily searchable database of datasets and visualizations!

  4. The Harvard Dataverse A very large searchable database of datasets on a very wode set of topics.

  5. IPUMS The Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) is the worldโ€™s largest individual-level population database. IPUMS consists of microdata samples from United States (IPUMS-USA) and international (IPUMS-International) census records, as well as data from U.S. and international surveys. Data provided is integrated across time and space. Health, Economics, Higher Education, Historical Data and much more.

  6. Kaggle Datasets E.g. Netflix Shows

  7. Data Is Plural This a weekly newsletter of useful/curious datasets by Jeremy Singer-Vine.

  8. Information is Beautiful David McCandlessโ€™ terrific information visualization site. All datasets used here are also available for download.

  9. India Data by Sector

  10. The FBIโ€™s Crime Data Explorer (very US-centric)

  11. Datasets at 538 ( very US-centric)

  12. Open Data Network ( again very US-centric)

  13. Data about 311 calls in different parts of the US. (#311 is a complaints service that deals with non-crime / non-emergency related neighbourhood issues in the US)

  14. Google Dataset Search

  15. Github dataset search

  16. World Inequality Database, Global data on income and wealth inequality. India specific data also available.

  17. World Bank Open Data A global collection of economic development data .

  18. Jonathan Schwabishโ€™s PolicyViz DataViz Catalogue. This is a spreadsheet that has links to data and images of visualizations that have been achieved with each of the datasets. Over 800 entriesโ€ฆsee table below! (US centric, but very inspirational visualizations!), See the emebedded version below:

  1. Work With Data. A good selection of datasets on a wide set of topics. Check the neat network diagram there!

  2. Vincent Arel-Bundockโ€™s RDatasets webpage:


Our Tools

Chart Creation and Export

  1. Orange Data Mining Free software. Very intuitive, point-and-click, goes all the way from simple data-viz to ML!

  2. Datawrapper A free browser-based tool, requires registration and login.

  3. RAWGraphs Another Free browser-based tool, no registration, no login. Simple interface too.

Story Telling with Charts

  1. Observable Plot: The JavaScript library for exploratory data visualization that can create expressive charts with concise (Javascript) code. There is also a #NoCode method available there. Ugh.

  2. Flourish Studio Beautiful and easy data visualization and storytelling

  3. Infogram Create engaging infographics and reports in minutes

  4. Visme Yet anotherโ€ฆ

Data viz Courses Elsewhere



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