# remotes::install_github("corybrunson/ggalluvial@main", build_vignettes = TRUE)
# install.packages("devtools")
# devtools::install_github("davidsjoberg/ggsankey")
library(echarts4r) # Interactive graphs
Evolution and Flow
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“My stories run up and bite me in the leg – I respond by writing them down – everything that goes on during the bite. When I finish, the idea lets go and runs off.”
— Ray Bradbury, science-fiction writer (22 Aug 1920-2012)
Setting up R Packages
What Time Evolution Charts can we plot?
In these cases, the x-axis is typically time…and we chart the variable of another Quant variable with respect to time, using a line geometry.
Let is take a healthcare budget dataset from Our World in Data: We will plot graphs for 5 countries (India, China, Brazil, Russia, Canada ).
We will also build interactive versions of these charts using echarts4r
Download this data by clicking on the button below:
# Set graph theme
theme_set(new = theme_custom())
data = health_filtered,
public_health_expenditure_pc_gdp ~ Year,
colour = ~Entity,
ylab = "Healthcare Budget\n as % of GDP",
title = "Line Charts to show Evolution (over Time )"
) %>%
data = health_filtered,
public_health_expenditure_pc_gdp ~ Year,
fill = ~Entity, alpha = 0.3,
ylab = "Healthcare Budget\n as % of GDP",
title = "Area Charts to show Evolution (over Time )"
) %>%
gf_line(colour = ~Entity)
health_filtered %>%
group_by(Entity) %>%
e_charts(Year) %>%
e_scatter(public_health_expenditure_pc_gdp) %>%
e_line(public_health_expenditure_pc_gdp) %>%
e_x_axis(name = "Year", min = 1850, max = 2050) %>%
name = "Public Health Expenditure",
nameLocation = "middle", nameGap = 25
) %>%
health_filtered %>%
group_by(Entity) %>%
e_charts(Year) %>%
e_scatter(public_health_expenditure_pc_gdp) %>%
e_area(public_health_expenditure_pc_gdp) %>%
e_x_axis(name = "Year", min = 1850, max = 2050) %>%
name = "Public Health Expenditure",
nameLocation = "middle", nameGap = 25
) %>%
What Space Evolution Charts can we plot?
Here, the space can be any Qual variable, and we can chart another Quant or Qual variable move across levels of the first chosen Qual variable.
For instance we can contemplate enrollment at a University, and show how students move from course to course in a University. Or how customers drift from one category of products or brands to another….or the movement of cricket players from one IPL Team to another !!
Here is what Thomas Lin Pedersen says:
A parallel sets diagram is a type of visualisation showing the interaction between multiple categorical variables. If the variables have an intrinsic order the representation can be thought of as a Sankey Diagram. If each variable is a point in time it will resemble an Alluvial diagram.
- The Qualitative variables being connected are mapped to
- Each level within a Qual variable is mapped to
nodes / strata / lodes
; - And the connections between the
of theaxes
are calledflows / edges / links / alluvia
Such diagrams are best used when you want to show a many-to-many mapping between two domains or multiple paths through a set of stages E.g Students going through multiple courses during a semester of study.
Here is an example of a Sankey Diagram: This diagram show how energy is converted or transmitted before being consumed or lost: supplies are on the left, and demands are on the right. (Data: Department of Energy & Climate Change via Tom Counsell)1:
For the next few charts, there are (as yet) no equivalents in ggformula
. Hence we will use ggplot
Case Study-1: Titanic Dataset
Note that this data is in tidy wide / table form, with separate columns for each Qualitative variable and a separate count
column, which we saw when we examined Categorical Data. This is, in my opinion, intuitively the best form of data to plot a Sankey plot with. But there are other forms such as the tidy long form which we have been using practically all this while. You will find examples of on the ggalluvial
website using tidy long form data.
# Set graph theme
theme_set(new = theme_custom())
Titanic %>% ggplot(
data = .,
# Select the Categorical Variables for the vertical Axes / Stages
axis1 = Class,
axis2 = Sex,
axis3 = Age,
axis4 = Survived,
y = n
), fill = "white"
) +
# Alluvials between Categorical Axes
geom_alluvium(aes(fill = Survived),
colour = "black",
linewidth = 0.25
) +
# Vertical segments for each Categorical Variable2
colour = "black",
linewidth = 1,
fill = "white"
) +
# Labels for each "level" of the Categorical Axes
stat = "stratum",
aes(label = after_stat(stratum))
) +
# Scales and Colours
limits = c("Class", "Sex", "Age"),
expand = c(.2, .05)
) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("red3", "springgreen3")) +
xlab("Demographic") +
"Passengers on the maiden voyage of the Titanic",
"Stratified by demographics and survival"
Here is how the package
defines the elements of a typical alluvial plot:
- An axis is a dimension (variable) along which the data are vertically arranged at a fixed horizontal position. The plot above uses three categorical axes: Class, Sex, and Age.
- The groups at each axis are depicted as opaque blocks called strata. For example, the Class axis contains four strata: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Crew.
- Horizontal (x-) splines called alluvia span the entire width of the plot. In this plot, each alluvium corresponds to a fixed strata value of each axis variable, indicated by its vertical position at the axis, as well as of the Survived variable, indicated by its fill color.
- The segments of the alluvia between pairs of adjacent axes are flows.
- The alluvia intersect the strata at lodes. The lodes are not visualized in the above plot, but they can be inferred as filled rectangles extending the flows through the strata at each end of the plot or connecting the flows on either side of the center stratum.
The ggsankeyfier
also plots alluvial and sankey diagrams. Just for variety, we will convert the Titanic data to long
form and then plot it with ggsankeyfier
Titanic %>%
as_tibble() %>%
data = .,
stages_from = c("Class", "Sex", "Age", "Survived"),
values_from = "n",
additional_aes_from = "Survived"
) -> Titanic_long
This data is in long form, with stages
defining the axes in the graph, and the node
variable giving us levels within each (Qualitative) axis. The edge_id
labels both ends (from and to) of each connector
or edge/flow/alluvium. Let us plot this now:
Titanic_long %>%
x = stage, y = n,
group = node, connector = connector,
edge_id = edge_id
)) +
geom_sankeynode(v_space = "auto") +
geom_sankeyedge(aes(fill = Survived), v_space = "auto") +
labs(x = "")
Let us make an interactive graph for this dataset using echarts4
ClassSex <-
Titanic %>%
group_by(Class, Sex) %>%
summarise(cs = sum(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
rename("source" = Class, "target" = Sex, "value" = cs)
SexAge <-
Titanic %>%
group_by(Sex, Age) %>%
summarise(sa = sum(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
rename("source" = Sex, "target" = Age, "value" = sa)
AgeSurvived <-
Titanic %>%
group_by(Age, Survived) %>%
summarise(as = sum(n)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
rename("source" = Age, "target" = Survived, "value" = as)
Combo <- rbind(ClassSex, SexAge, AgeSurvived)
Combo %>%
e_charts() %>%
e_sankey(source, target, value) %>%
e_title("Titanic: Who lived, and who didn't?") %>%
The process with echarts4r
is quite different, since the data structure used by this package is different:
- The
package needs to havesource
columns for axes, along with avalue
to determine the width of the alluvium. - The names in the source and target can repeat, and can appear in both source and target columns in order to create a multi-axis diagram. Hence the data needs to be inherently in long form.
- However, for the values, we need to manually calculate the aggregate totals for alluvia between each consecutive pairs of axes (i.e Qual variables). This is not done automatically in
, but it is withggalluvial
. - So we create grouped aggregate summaries for each pair of Qualitative variables that we wish to plot consecutively ( i.e as axis1, axis2…)
- Stack these pair-wise alluvia totals into one combo data frame using
, after renaming the variables to “source”, “target” and “value”.
Phew! seems like too much work to do…I wonder if good, old-fashioned pivot-longer
will get us here…
Chord Diagram
We will explore this diagram when we explore network graphs with the tidygraph
and ggraph
Dumbbell Plots
A simple plot that can quickly indicate changes in multiple variables/aspects over either a time or a space variable is a dumbbell plot. This is a combination of scatter plot + a segment plot. Let us take our previously loaded health
dataset and plot just the change in expenditure for multiple countries, across a time span of 8 years (2010 - 2018)
# Set graph theme
theme_set(new = theme_custom())
health_2010_2018 <- health %>%
# select Years 2010 and 2018
filter(Year %in% c(2010, 2018)) %>%
# Make separate columns for each year, easier that way
# Though not essential
id_cols = c(Entity, Code),
names_from = Year,
names_prefix = "Year",
values_from = public_health_expenditure_pc_gdp
# Set graph theme
theme_set(new = theme_custom())
health_2010_2018 %>%
# remove NA data across the data set
drop_na() %>%
# take the top 20 countries based on 2018 allocation
slice_max(n = 20, order_by = Year2018) %>%
gf_segment(Entity + Entity ~ Year2010 + Year2018,
colour = "grey",
linewidth = 2
) %>%
gf_point(Entity ~ Year2018,
colour = ~"2018"
) %>%
gf_point(Entity ~ Year2010,
colour = ~"2010"
## Can we do better? Sort the bars, improve axis ticks, title..
# Set graph theme
theme_set(new = theme_custom())
health_2010_2018 %>%
# remove NA data across the data set
drop_na() %>%
# take the top 20 countries based on 2018 allocation
slice_max(n = 20, order_by = Year2018) %>%
# plot segments first
reorder(Entity, Year2018) + reorder(Entity, Year2018) ~
Year2010 + Year2018,
colour = "grey",
linewidth = 2
) %>%
# Then plot points
gf_point(reorder(Entity, Year2018) ~ Year2018,
colour = ~"2018",
size = 3
) %>%
reorder(Entity, Year2018) ~ Year2010,
colour = ~"2010", size = 3,
xlab = "Health Expenditure as Percentage of GDP",
ylab = "Country",
title = "Healthcare Budgets Changes between 2010 to 2018",
subtitle = "Bars are Sorted",
caption = "And the X-Axis is in percentage"
) %>%
breaks = scales::breaks_width(2),
labels = scales::label_percent(suffix = "%", scale = 1)
scale_colour_manual(name = "Year", values = c("red", "green"))
# Set graph theme
theme_set(new = theme_custom())
health_2010_2018 <- health %>%
# select Years 2010 and 2018
filter(Year %in% c(2010, 2018)) %>%
# Make separate columns for each year, easier that way
# Though not essential
id_cols = c(Entity, Code),
names_from = Year,
names_prefix = "Year",
values_from = public_health_expenditure_pc_gdp
health_2010_2018 %>%
# remove NA data across the data set
drop_na() %>%
# take the top 20 countries based on 2018 allocation
slice_max(n = 20, order_by = Year2018) %>%
ggplot() +
y = Entity, yend = Entity,
x = Year2010, xend = Year2018
colour = "grey",
linewidth = 2
) +
geom_point(aes(y = Entity, x = Year2018, colour = "2018")) +
geom_point(aes(y = Entity, x = Year2010, colour = "2010"))
## Can we do better?
health_2010_2018 %>%
# remove NA data across the data set
drop_na() %>%
# take the top 20 countries based on 2018 allocation
slice_max(n = 20, order_by = Year2018) %>%
ggplot() +
# plot segments first
y = reorder(Entity, Year2018), yend = reorder(Entity, Year2018),
x = Year2010, xend = Year2018
colour = "grey",
linewidth = 2
) +
# Then plot points
y = reorder(Entity, Year2018), x = Year2018,
colour = "2018"
), size = 3) +
y = reorder(Entity, Year2018), x = Year2010,
colour = "2010"
), size = 3) +
x = "Health Expenditure as Percentage of GDP",
y = "Country", title = "Healthcare Budgets",
subtitle = "Changes between 2010 to 2018"
) +
breaks = breaks_width(2),
labels = scales::label_percent(suffix = "%", scale = 1)
) +
scale_colour_manual(name = "Year", values = c("red", "green"))
Wait, But Why?
- Changes can be over
, or over “space” - In the latter case, we can think of some Quantity changing over (multiple levels of) multiple Qualitative variables. E.g.
overProduct Type
overShowroom Location
overFestival Season
… - When a single Quant varies over a single multi-level Qual, the Chord Diagram may be simpler than the Sankey/Alluvial. E.g
migration acrossMultiple Locations
. This can even show bidirectional changes. ( Sankeys with loops are also possible, however) - When you have a Quant that changes over only one two-level Qual variable, the Dumbbell plot becomes an option.
We see that we can visualize “evolutions” over time and space. The evolutions can represent changes in the quantities of things, or their categorical affiliations or groups.
What business/design data would you depict in this way? Revenue streams? Employment? Expenditures over time and market? Migration? App usage patterns? There are many possibilities!
Note also that the Bump Charts are a special case of Alluvial/Sankey charts where each node connects/flows to only one other node.
Your Turn
- Within the
package are two datasets,majors
. Plot alluvial charts for both of these. - Go to the American Life Panel Website where you will find many public datasets. Try to take one and make charts from it that we have learned in this Module.
- Global Migration, A good example of the use of a Chord Diagram.
- John Coene, Sankey plots with
- Other packages: Sankey plot | the R Graph Gallery (
- Another package: Sankey diagrams in ggplot2 with ggsankey | RCHARTS (
- Sankey Charts using
R Package Citations
D3 JavaScript Network Graphs from R:↩︎
author = {V., Arvind},
title = {\textless Iconify-Icon
{Evolution} and {Flow}},
date = {2022-11-22},
url = {},
langid = {en},
abstract = {Changes in Information over Space and Time}