Movie Profits
Setting up R Packages
Plot Theme
Show the Code
# Chunk options
fig.width = 7,
fig.asp = 0.618, # Golden Ratio
# out.width = "80%",
fig.align = "center"
### Ggplot Theme
theme_custom <- function() {
font <- "Roboto Condensed" # assign font family up front
theme_classic(base_size = 14) %+replace% # replace elements we want to change
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # strip minor gridlines
text = element_text(family = font),
# text elements
plot.title = element_text( # title
family = font, # set font family
# size = 20, #set font size
face = "bold", # bold typeface
hjust = 0, # left align
# vjust = 2 #raise slightly
margin = margin(0, 0, 10, 0)
plot.subtitle = element_text( # subtitle
family = font, # font family
# size = 14, #font size
hjust = 0,
margin = margin(2, 0, 5, 0)
plot.caption = element_text( # caption
family = font, # font family
size = 8, # font size
hjust = 1
), # right align
axis.title = element_text( # axis titles
family = font, # font family
size = 10 # font size
axis.text = element_text( # axis text
family = font, # axis family
size = 8
) # font size
# Set graph theme
theme_set(new = theme_custom())
This is a dataset pertaining to movies and genres, modified for ease of analysis and plotting.
release_date <date> | movie <chr> | production_budget <dbl> | domestic_gross <dbl> | worldwide_gross <dbl> | |
2005-07-22 | November | 250000 | 191862 | 191862 | |
1998-08-28 | I Married a Strange Person | 250000 | 203134 | 203134 | |
1997-03-28 | Love and Other Catastrophes | 250000 | 212285 | 743216 | |
2000-07-14 | Chuck&Buck | 250000 | 1055671 | 1157672 | |
2011-10-28 | Like Crazy | 250000 | 3395391 | 3728400 | |
2003-04-11 | Better Luck Tomorrow | 250000 | 3802390 | 3809226 | |
2017-04-28 | Sleight | 250000 | 3930990 | 3934450 | |
2002-06-28 | Lovely and Amazing | 250000 | 4210379 | 4613482 | |
2012-08-17 | Compliance | 270000 | 319285 | 830700 | |
2005-05-06 | Fighting Tommy Riley | 300000 | 10514 | 10514 |
Download the Modified data
Data Dictionary
Quantitative Variables
Write in.
Qualitative Variables
Write in.
Write in.
Plot the Data
Task and Discussion
Complete the Data Dictionary. Create the graph shown and discuss the following questions:
- Identify the type of plot
- What are the variables used to plot this graph?
- If you were to invest in movie production ventures, which are the two best genres that you might decide to invest in?
- Which R command might have been used to obtain the separate plots for each distributor?
- If the original dataset had BUDGETS and PROFITS in separate columns, what preprocessing might have been done to achieve this plot?