Using Lordicons, Fontawesome Icons,Academicons, and Iconify Icons
This is just a compilation of the example files from the Quarto website, so that I can have ready-made code to copy and paste.
Type these in your Terminal:
- Iconify:
quarto install extension mcanouil/quarto-iconify
- FontAwesome:
quarto install extension quarto-ext/fontawesome
- Lordicons:
quarto install extension jmgirard/lordicon
- Academicons:
quarto install extension schochastics/academicons
These extensions allows you to use a variety of icons in your Quarto HTML documents.
Using Lordicon Shortcodes
The {{< li >}}
shortcode renders an icon (specified by its code) after downloading it the lordicon CDN. The {{< lif >}}
shortcode renders an icon (specified by its filepath) from a local .json file. Both shortcodes support the same arguments for customization, described below.
Pseudocode | Example Code | Rendered |
{{< li code >}} |
{{< li wlpxtupd >}} |
{{< lif file >}} |
{{< lif church.json >}} |
controls the icon’s animation type. When using the loop
or loop-on-hover
triggers, you can also set an optional delay
(in ms) between loops.
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< li wxnxiano >}} |
{{< li wxnxiano trigger=click >}} |
{{< li wxnxiano trigger=hover >}} |
{{< li wxnxiano trigger=loop >}} |
{{< li wxnxiano trigger=loop delay=1000 >}} |
{{< li wxnxiano trigger=loop-on-hover >}} |
{{< li wxnxiano trigger=loop-on-hover delay=1000 >}} |
{{< li wxnxiano trigger=morph >}} |
{{< li wxnxiano trigger=boomerang >}} |
controls how quickly the icon’s animation plays.
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< li lupuorrc trigger=loop speed=0.5 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc trigger=loop speed=1.0 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc trigger=loop speed=2.0 >}} |
controls the icon’s coloring. Outline icons typically have just a primary and secondary color, but flat and lineal icons can have many more. Each color should be given in rank:color
format (where ranks are primary, secondary, tertiary, etc.) and multiple colors should be separated by commas. Colors can be given in HTML color names or hexcodes.
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< li lupuorrc >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc colors=primary:gold >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc colors=primary:gray,secondary:orange >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc colors=primary:#4030e8,secondary:#ee66aa >}} |
controls how thick the lines in an icon are.
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< li lupuorrc stroke=50 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc stroke=100 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc stroke=150 >}} |
controls how large or zoomed in the icon is.
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< li lupuorrc scale=25 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc scale=50 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc scale=100 >}} |
Axis X
controls the horizontal position of the center of the icon.
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< li lupuorrc x=25 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc x=50 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc x=100 >}} |
Axis Y
controls the vertical position of the center of the icon.
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< li lupuorrc y=25 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc y=50 >}} |
{{< li lupuorrc y=100 >}} |
Using Academicons Shortcodes
This extension allows you to use academicons in your Quarto HTML documents. It provides an {{< ai >}}
:{{< ai <icon-name> >}}
:{{< ai <icon-name> <size=...> >}}
For example:
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< ai arxiv >}} |
{{< ai google-scholar >}} |
{{< ai open-access >}} |
{{< ai open-access size=5x >}} |
Using Fontawesome Icons
This extension allows you to use font-awesome icons in your Quarto HTML and PDF documents. It provides an {{< fa >}}
:{{< fa <icon-name> >}}
, and<title=...>
:{{< fa <group> <icon-name> <size=...> <title=...> >}}
For example:
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< fa thumbs-up >}} |
{{< fa folder >}} |
{{< fa chess-pawn >}} |
{{< fa brands bluetooth >}} |
{{< fa brands twitter size=2xl >}} (HTML only) |
{{< fa brands github size=5x >}} (HTML only) |
{{< fa battery-half size=Huge >}} |
{{< fa envelope title="An envelope" >}} |
Using Iconify Shortcodes
This extension allows you to use Iconify icons in your Quarto HTML documents. It provides an {{< iconify >}}
:{{< iconify <icon-name> >}}
(default isfluent-emoji
, and<rotate=...>
:{{< iconify <set> <icon-name> <size=...> <width=...> <height=...> <flip=...> <rotate=...> >}}
is defined,<width=...>
are not used.
See for more details.
For example:
Shortcode | Icon |
{{< iconify exploding-head >}} |
{{< iconify exploding-head size=2xl >}} |
{{< iconify exploding-head size=5x rotate=180deg >}} |
{{< iconify exploding-head size=Huge >}} |
{{< iconify fluent-emoji-high-contrast 1st-place-medal >}} |
{{< iconify twemoji 1st-place-medal >}} |
{{< iconify line-md loading-alt-loop >}} |
{{< iconify fa6-brands apple width=50px height=10px rotate=90deg flip=vertical >}} |