Drawing with purrr
# This function creates the segments of the original polygon
polygon <- function(n) {
x = accumulate(1:(n-1), ~.x+cos(.y*2*pi/n), .init = 0),
y = accumulate(1:(n-1), ~.x+sin(.y*2*pi/n), .init = 0),
xend = accumulate(2:n, ~.x+cos(.y*2*pi/n), .init = cos(2*pi/n)),
yend = accumulate(2:n, ~.x+sin(.y*2*pi/n), .init = sin(2*pi/n)))
edges <- 3 # Number of edges of the original polygon
niter <- 250 # Number of iterations
pond <- 0.24 # Weight to calculate the point on the middle of each edge
step <- 13 # Number of times to draw mid-segments before connect ending points
alph <- 0.25 # transparency of curves in geom_curve
angle <- 0.6 # angle of mid-segment with the edge
curv <- 0.1 # Curvature of curves
line_color <- "black" # Color of curves in geom_curve
back_color <- "white" # Background of the ggplot
ratio_f <- function(x) {sin(x)} # To calculate the longitude of mid-segments
# Generation on the fly of the dataset
accumulate(.f = function(old, y) {
if (y%%step!=0) mid_points(old, pond, angle, y) else con_points(old)
}, 1:niter,
.init=polygon(edges)) %>% bind_rows() -> df
# Plot
geom_curve(aes(x=x, y=y, xend=xend, yend=yend),
curvature = curv,
theme(legend.position = "none",
panel.background = element_rect(fill=back_color),
plot.background = element_rect(fill=back_color),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank())