Playing with Leaflet
This Tutorial works through the ideas at Leaflet
Leaflet is a JavaScript library for creating dynamic maps that support panning and zooming along with various annotations like markers, polygons, and popups.
In this tutorial we will work only with vector data. In a second part, we will work with raster data in leaflet
Basic Features of a leaflet Map
# Set value for the minZoom and maxZoom settings.
# leaflet(options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 0, maxZoom = 18))
m <- leaflet() %>%
# Add default OpenStreetMap map tiles
addTiles() %>%
# Set view to be roughly centred on Bangalore City
setView(lng = 77.580643, lat = 12.972442, zoom = 12)
# Click on the map to zoom in; Shift+Click to zoom out
by default uses Open Street Map as its base map. We can use other base maps too, as we will see later.
Add Shapes to a Map
offers several commands to add points, markers, icons, lines, polylines and polygons to a map. Let us examine a few of these.
Add Markers with popups
m %>% addMarkers(
lng = 77.580643, lat = 12.972442,
popup = "The birthplace of Rvind"
# Click on the Marker for the popup to appear
This uses the default pin shape as the Marker.
Adding Popups to a Map
Popups are small boxes containing arbitrary HTML, that point to a specific point on the map. Use the addPopups()
function to add standalone popup to the map.
m %>%
lng = 77.580643,
lat = 12.972442,
popup = paste(
"The birthplace of Rvind",
"Website: <a href =>Arvind V's Website </a>",
## Ensuring we cannot close the popup,
## else we will not be able to find where it is,
## since there is no Marker
options = popupOptions(closeButton = FALSE)
Popups are usually added to icons
, Markers
and other shapes can show up when these are clicked.
Adding Labels to a Map
Labels are messages attached to all shapes, using the argument label
wherever it is available.
Labels are static, and Popups are usually visible on mouse click. Hence a Marker
can have both a label
and a popup
. For example, the function addPopup()
offers only a popup
argument, whereas the function addMarkers()
offers both a popup
and a label
It is also possible to create labels standalone using addLabelOnlyMarkers()
where we can show only text and no Markers.
m %>%
lng = 77.580643,
lat = 12.972442,
# Here is the Label defn.
label = "The birthplace of Rvind",
labelOptions = labelOptions(
noHide = TRUE, # Label always visible
textOnly = F,
textsize = 20
# And here is the popup defn.
popup = paste(
"PopUp Text: <a href =>Arvind V's Website </a>",
Adding Circles and CircleMarkers on a Map
We can add shapes on to a map to depict areas or locations of interest.
and addCircleMarkers
The radius
argument works differently in addCircles()
and addCircleMarkers()
# Some Cities in the US and their location
md_cities <- tibble(
name = c("Baltimore", "Frederick", "Rockville", "Gaithersburg", "Bowie", "Hagerstown", "Annapolis", "College Park", "Salisbury", "Laurel"),
pop = c(619493, 66169, 62334, 61045, 55232, 39890, 38880, 30587, 30484, 25346),
lat = c(39.2920592, 39.4143921, 39.0840, 39.1434, 39.0068, 39.6418, 38.9784, 38.9897, 38.3607, 39.0993),
lng = c(-76.6077852, -77.4204875, -77.1528, -77.2014, -76.7791, -77.7200, -76.4922, -76.9378, -75.5994, -76.8483)
md_cities %>%
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
# CircleMarkers, in blue
# radius scales the Marker. Units are in Pixels!!
# Here, radius is made proportional to `pop` number
radius = ~ pop / 1000, # Pixels!!
color = "blue",
stroke = FALSE, # no border for the Markers
opacity = 0.8
) %>%
# Circles, in red
radius = 5000, # Meters !!!
stroke = TRUE,
color = "yellow", # Stroke Colour
weight = 3, # Stroke Weight
fill = TRUE,
fillColor = "red",
Assuming "lng" and "lat" are longitude and latitude, respectively
Assuming "lng" and "lat" are longitude and latitude, respectively
The shapes need not be of fixed size or colour; their attributes can be made to correspond to other attribute variables in the geospatial data, as we did with radius
in the addCircleMarkers()
function above.
Adding Rectangles to a Map
Add Polygons to a Map
Add PolyLines to a Map
This can be useful say for manually marking a route on a map, with waypoints.
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
setView(lng = 77.580643, lat = 12.972442, zoom = 6) %>%
# arbitrary vector data for lat and lng
# If start and end points are the same, it looks like Polygon
# Without the fill
# Two Vectors
lng = c(73.5, 75.9, 76.1, 77.23, 79.8),
lat = c(10.12, 11.04, 11.87, 12.04, 10.7)
) %>%
# Add Waypoint Icons
# Same Two Vectors
lng = c(73.5, 75.9, 76.1, 77.23, 79.8),
lat = c(10.12, 11.04, 11.87, 12.04, 10.7)
As seen, we have created Markers, Labels, Polygons, and PolyLines using fixed.i.e. literal text and numbers. In the following we will also see how external geospatial data columns can be used instead of these literals.
package can also be used to interactively add shapes onto a map and save as an geo-spatial object.
Using leaflet
with External Geospatial Data
On to something more complex. We want to plot an external user-defined set of locations on a leaflet
map. leaflet
takes in geographical data in many ways and we will explore most of them.
POINT Data Sources for leaflet
Point data for markers can come from a variety of sources:
Vectors: Simply provide numeric
arguments, which we have covered already in the preceding sections. -
Matrices: Two-column numeric matrices (first column is
, second islatitude
Data Frames:
Data frame/tibble
columns. You can explicitly tell the marker function which columns contain the coordinate data (e.g.addMarkers(lng = ~Longitude, lat = ~Latitude))
, or let the function look for columns namedlat/latitude
(case insensitive).
” SpatialPoints orSpatialPointsDataFrame
objects (from thesp
sfc_POINT, and
sfobjects (from the
sf` package); only X and Y dimensions will be considered
We will not consider the use of sp
related data structures for plotting POINTs in leaflet
since sp
is being phased out in favour of the more modern package sf
Points using simple Data Frames
Let us read in the data set from that gives us POINT locations of all airports in India in a data frame
/ tibble
. The dataset is available at and, for poor peasants especially, also by clicking the download button below. Save it in a convenient data
folder in your project
and read it in.
You will need the package
and also need to register your credentials for that page with RStudio. The (simple!) instructions are available here at
Here is the data:
Let us plot this in leaflet
, using an ESRI National Geographic style map instead of the default OSM Base Map. We will also place small circle markers for each airport.
leaflet(data = india_airports) %>%
setView(lat = 18, lng = 77, zoom = 4) %>%
# Add NatGeo style base map
addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.NatGeoWorldMap) %>% # ESRI Basemap
# Add Markers for each airport
lng = ~lon, lat = ~lat,
# Optional, variables stated for clarity
# leaflet can automatically detect lon-lat columns
# if they are appropriately named in the data
# longitude/lon/lng
# latitude/lat
radius = 2, # Pixels
color = "red",
opacity = 1
We can also change the icon for each airport. Let us try one of the several icon families that we can use with leaflet
: glyphicons, ionicons, and fontawesome icons. Here is the IATA icon: download and save it and make sure this code below has the proper path to this .png file!
# Define popup message for each airport
# Based on data in india_airports
popup <- paste(
iata_icon <- makeIcon(
"images/iata-logo-transp.png", # Downloaded from
iconWidth = 24,
iconHeight = 24,
iconAnchorX = 0,
iconAnchorY = 0
# Create the Leaflet map
leaflet(data = india_airports) %>%
setView(lat = 18, lng = 77, zoom = 4) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.NatGeoWorldMap) %>%
icon = iata_icon,
popup = popup
Assuming "lon" and "lat" are longitude and latitude, respectively
There are other icons we can use to mark the POINTs. leaflet
allows the use of ionicons, glyphicons, and FontAwesomeIcons.
It is possible to create a list
of icons, so that different Markers can have different icons. Let us try to map the MNCs in the ITPL area of Bangalore: we use the ideas in Using Leaflet Markers
# Make a dataframe of addresses of Companies we wan to plot in ITPL
companies_itpl <-
ticker = c(
"FIS Global",
lat = c(
lon = c(
) %>% sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
# Vanilla leaflet map
leaflet(companies_itpl) %>%
addTiles() %>%
Points using sf
We will use data from an sf
data object. This differs from the earlier situation where we had a simple data frame with lon
and lat
columns. In sf
, as we know, the lon
and lat
info is embedded in the geometry
column of the sf data frame
The tmap
package has a data set of all World metro cities, titled metro
. We will plot these on the map and also scale the markers in proportion to one of the feature attributes, pop2030
. The popup
will be the name of the metro city. We will also use the CartoDB.Positron
base map.
Note that the metro
data set has a POINT geometry, as needed!
data(metro, package = "tmap")
leaflet(data = metro) %>%
setView(lat = 18, lng = 77, zoom = 4) %>%
# Add CartoDB.Positron
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% # CartoDB Basemap
# Add Markers for each airport
radius = ~ sqrt(pop2030) / 350,
color = "red",
popup = paste(
"Name: ", metro$name, "<br>",
"Population 2030: ", metro$pop2030
We can also try downloading an sf
data frame with POINT geometry from say OSM data Let us get hold of restaurants data in Malleswaram, Bangalore from OSM data:
bbox <- osmdata::getbb("Malleswaram, Bengaluru")
min max
x 77.55033 77.59033
y 12.98274 13.02274
locations <-
osmdata::opq(bbox = bbox) %>%
osmdata::add_osm_feature(key = "amenity", value = "restaurant") %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
purrr::pluck("osm_points") %>%
dplyr::select(name, cuisine, geometry) %>%
dplyr::filter(cuisine == "indian")
locations %>% head()
# Fontawesome icons seem to work in `leaflet` only up to FontAwesome V4.7.0.
# The Fontawesome V4.7.0 Cheatsheet is here: <>
data = locations,
options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 12)
) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Voyager) %>%
# Regular `leaflet` code
icon = awesomeIcons(
icon = "fa-coffee",
library = "fa",
markerColor = "blue",
iconColor = "black",
iconRotate = TRUE
popup = paste(
"Name: ", locations$name, "<br>",
"Food: ", locations$cuisine
For more later versions of Fontawesome, here below is a workaround from Despite this some fontawesome icons simply do not seem to show up. Aiyooo….;-()
( Update Dec 2023: Seems OK now…)
coffee <- makeAwesomeIcon(
text = fa("mug-hot"), # mug-hot was introduced in fa version 5
iconColor = "black",
markerColor = "blue",
library = "fa"
leaflet(data = locations) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Voyager) %>%
# Workaround code
icon = coffee,
popup = paste(
"Name: ", locations$name, "<br>",
"Food: ", locations$cuisine, "<br>"
detects sf
POINT geometry
Note that leaflet
automatically detects the lon/lat columns from within the POINT geometry
column of the sf
data frame.
Points using Two-Column Matrices
We can now quickly try providing lon
and lat
info in a two column matrix.This can be useful to plot a bunch of points recorded on a mobile phone app.
mysore5 <- matrix(
runif(5, 76.652985 - 0.01, 76.652985 + 0.01),
runif(5, 12.311827 - 0.01, 12.311827 + 0.01)
nrow = 5
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 76.65594 12.31384
[2,] 76.65113 12.32134
[3,] 76.64660 12.30481
[4,] 76.66069 12.30202
[5,] 76.64721 12.30873
leaflet(data = mysore5) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>%
# Pick an icon from <>
icon = awesomeIcons(
icon = "music",
iconColor = "black",
library = "glyphicon"
popup = "Carnatic Music !!"
Polygons, Lines, and Polylines Data Sources for leaflet
We have seen how to get POINT data into leaflet
LINE and POLYGON data can also come from a variety of sources:
objects (from thesf
package) sp
, andPolygon objects
(from thesp
, andLine objects
(from thesp
objects (from themaps
function); usemap(fill = TRUE)
for polygons,FALSE
for polylines -
Matrices:Two-column numeric
; the first column is longitude and the second is latitude. Polygons are separated by rows of (NA, NA). It is not possible to represent multi-polygons nor polygons with holes using this method; Sounds very clumsy and better not attempt. Usesf
We will concentrate on using sf
data into leaflet
. We may explore maps()
objects at a later date.
Polygons/MultiPolygons and LineString/MultiLineString using sf
data frames
Let us download College buildings, parks, and the cycling lanes in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and plot these in leaflet
# Option 1
# Gives too large a bbox
bbox <- osmdata::getbb("Amsterdam, Netherlands")
# bbox
# Setting bbox manually is better
amsterdam_coords <- matrix(c(4.85, 4.95, 52.325, 52.375),
byrow = TRUE,
nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("x", "y"), c("min", "max"))
min max
x 4.850 4.950
y 52.325 52.375
colleges <- amsterdam_coords %>%
osmdata::opq() %>%
key = "amenity",
value = "college"
) %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
parks <- amsterdam_coords %>%
osmdata::opq() %>%
osmdata::add_osm_feature(key = "landuse", value = "grass") %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
roads <- amsterdam_coords %>%
osmdata::opq() %>%
key = "highway",
value = "primary"
) %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
cyclelanes <- amsterdam_coords %>%
osmdata::opq() %>%
osmdata::add_osm_feature(key = "cycleway") %>%
osmdata_sf() %>%
We have 13 colleges, 3123 parks, 292 roads, and 276 cycle lanes in our data.
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
data = colleges, color = "yellow",
popup = ~ colleges$name
) %>%
addPolygons(data = parks, color = "seagreen", popup = parks$name) %>%
addPolylines(data = roads, color = "red") %>%
addPolylines(data = cyclelanes, color = "purple")
Using Raster Data in leaflet
[Work in Progress!]
So far all the geospatial data we have plotted in leaflet
has been vector data.
We will now explore how to plot raster data using leaflet
. Raster data are used to depict continuous variables across space, such as vegetation, salinity, forest cover etc. Satellite imagery is frequently available as raster data.
Importing Raster Data [Work in Progress!]
Raster data can be imported into R in many ways:
- using the
package - using the
Bells and Whistles in leaflet
: layers, groups, legends, and graticules
Adding Legends
## Generate some random lat lon data around Bangalore
df <- tibble(
lat = runif(20, min = 11.97, max = 13.07),
lng = runif(20, min = 77.48, max = 77.68),
col = sample(c("red", "blue", "green"), 20,
replace = TRUE
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
df %>%
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
addCircleMarkers(color = df$col) %>%
addLegend(values = df$col, labels = LETTERS[1:3], colors = c("blue", "red", "green"))
Assuming "lng" and "lat" are longitude and latitude, respectively
Using Web Map Services (WMS) [Work in Progress!]
To be included.